College of Natural Resources
2028 Biltmore Hall
Campus Box 8001
Raleigh, NC, 27695-8001
North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC
Fisheries And Wildlife Science
NC State plays a key role in promoting the conservation and responsible use of fisheries and wildlife resources across North Carolina, the United States, and the world. We conduct research in vital scientific and environmental areas, graduate highly-trained professionals each year to help lead these disciplines in the future and provide assistance to landowners seeking to manage fish and wildlife populations on their property.
The Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources administers the Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Program, which is shared with the Department of Biology. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, the program also includes faculty members from the departments of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Entomology, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology, Statistics, and the College of Veterinary Medicine.
We provide a balanced approach to the study of wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture. Students observe and analyze systems at the population, community and ecosystem levels. The program is equally committed to teaching, research and extension.
Undergraduate education emphasizes ecological principles with socioeconomics in their application to natural resource management needs. Graduates are well integrated for post-graduate work and entry-level professional positions in agencies, organizations and industry. We sponsor many different extension outreach services to educate the public on issues affecting the health of fish and wildlife populations.